Posted by: livingscripture | January 29, 2016

Third Friday in Ordinary Time



From the Word of the Day

He said, “This is how it is with the kingdom of God;  it is as if a man were to scatter seed on the land and would sleep and rise night and day and the seed would sprout and grow, he knows not how”.                       (Mark 4: 26-27)

How should we live this Wordroot

The parables of God’s Kingdom all adhere to life.  We do well to note this right away because, in effect, the Kingdom of God is not something of the stratosphere, but is the very heart of a life that receives what Jesus obtained for us with His Paschal Mystery of death and resurrection; that is, the triumph of Life, the one given to us by God.

Thus, here is the parable of the man who sows the seed on the ground.  The seed has such potential for life that it sprouts and grows in its time without the sower having to continually take care of it as it evolves.

The Kingdom belongs to that God whose adopted children we are in Jesus Christ.  In Him, we are inheritors of a glorious future and of that actual grace that makes us grow, blossoming justice, peace, joy, and the gift of ourselves where we are called to live.

The Kingdom of God is not something that is showy or conspicuous!  However, it has an unheard of power.  Just like the seed that, having fallen as you watched, cannot surprise you and fall to the ground without you being aware of it, but then it reveals a vital power that produces good fruit.

In my pause for silent contemplation, I will ponder the reality that the Kingdom of God is within me.

Lord, increase my faith in your invisible strategy in regard to Your Kingdom.  Grant that my heart may be the good soil that receives Your grace and then believes with firm trust that, if I do not knowingly put impediments, will germinate and give the good fruits of peace and joy for me and for my sisters and brothers. 

The Voice of Blaise Pascal 

If God would continually show Himself to us there would be no merit in believing in Him.




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