Posted by: livingscripture | May 22, 2024




WORD of the DAY 
John said to Jesus, “Teacher, we saw someone driving out demons in your name, and we tried to prevent him because he does not follow us.” Jesus replied, “Do not prevent him. There is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name who can at the same time speak ill of me. For whoever is not against us is for us.”
                                  (Mark 9:38-40)

How shall I live this Word?   

In today’s text, John represents one or those who can have an attitude of exclusion. How difficult it is to accept that some who “are not of our own”, have gifts and charisma, cast out demons in the name of Jesus, not even in their own name, and we want to prevent it.

Certain privileges are for certain people, for certain elites, but Jesus invites us to have an inclusive attitude. How much good this criterion of Jesus would do us; it is a very important thing. We cannot do miracles in His name and then speak ill of Him; it is a matter of consistency. On the other hand, who am I, who are you, to decide who can enter and who must leave?

Today, we must seek what unites us and not what separates us; prejudices cannot prevent others from doing good, from acting in the name of Jesus.

In this world where people are excluded for so many absurd reasons, help me Lord to have my heart open to all. the only criterion that should move me is that of mercy. You who have not rejected anyone, teach me to welcome everyone and not be shocked because they don’t think like me. Make me an instrument of unity. Amen.

The voice of Saint John Paul II Encyclical Letter Ut Unum Sint

Thus, believed in the unity of the Church Pope John XXIII and so he looked to the unity of all Christians. Referring to other Christians, to the great Christian family, he noted, “What unites us is much stronger than what divides us.” And the Second Vatican Council, for its part, exhorts, “Remember all the faithful who will better promote, indeed live in practice the union of Christians, the more they will study to lead a life in conformity with the Gospel. Therefore, with how much closer communion they will be united with the Father, with the Word, and with the Holy Spirit, with so much more intimate and easy action they will be able to increase mutual fraternity.”


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